
App Tutorial

Before we begin your journey with this app, let me give you a quick tour of what each tab is for, and what can be achieved and experienced in each section.

Today Tab

The today tab is like the central hub on your law of attraction journey.  It is designed to help remind you of what you want to manifest and make you feel motivated to achieve these things effortlessly.

Here you will find helpful mind tools like daily quotes and affirmations. These can be shared with your friends easily using the share icon.

There are also multiple different ways of setting intentions on the Today tab. These can be easily viewed as a reminder each time you open the app. Setting intentions are a powerful way to guide your life which is why I added two areas on the Today tab to set different types of intentions, depending on your needs. Setting intentions is a way of telling your higher self what it is you want to move towards. And because your higher self knows the best way to get you to your desires it is the best guide you can have to help you manifest your desires.

The pre-paving process allows you to write, in advance, how you want your day, week or a specific event to go ahead of time. This will remind you throughout your day of what you want to focus your energies and intentions on.

There is also a quick way to set intentions from the Today tab.

You can set your top 5 personal desires in the today tab. These are used to personalise some of the games to you as an individual.  Using your own words is a powerful tool to help you visualise and expect exactly what you want to come into your life. This is also a great way of reminding you often what you are working towards each day.

After you complete a few of the games you will also see a stats view appear which shows you how many games you have played and which ones you have played the most. This is accompanied by 2 shortcut buttons. The first will open your most played game directly from the home screen, and the second will open a random game.

Games Tab

The games tab is packed full of games and processes to help raise your vibration to a higher frequency, which in turn, helps align you with your higher self.  As you know, this is what attracts the things you want into your existence.

Here are some of the things you may see on the game pages to help you.

In the navigation bar, you will see several icons (not all of them are on each page, they are only there if applicable). Starting from the left you have the:

1. Example Icon – This will show an example of how you can play this particular game. Remember that the object of each game is to feel good/better so you can choose to participate however you feel is best for your personality.

2. Youtube icon – This will show a relevant youtube video explaining the process in detail.

3. Reminder Icon – This takes you to the reminder creation page to set up an individual reminder for this process.

4. Note Icon – This allows you to add a quick note which can be referenced later in the Saved Entries tab.

5. Info Icon – This provides a brief description of the game, and what the process is designed to achieve.

Tools Tab

This tab contains tools and knowledge to help train your mind in various ways. There is a meditation timer, affirmations, emotional scale, empowering questions, youtube videos with clips of Abraham-Hicks, and a link to the full user guide.

Saved Entries Tab

This tab is solely for accessing and editing all of your previously saved game entries and notes. For example, if you played the receive and spend game yesterday, you can view and edit what you saved via this tab.